Title IX guidelines require all members of the Title IX conduct process to receive appropriate training for their role. Training will be ongoing throughout the year and logged on a regular basis in accordance with Title IX guidelines. NCSSM utilizes a membership with the Student Conduct Institute, the State University of New York. 

Our membership is provided to us through the UNC System.

Training & Education for Students

Information about your rights under Title IX are available in the Title IX Institutional Policy. Students receive a brief overview of the policy in the NCSSM Orientation Course which highlights the Title IX site.  Students participate in required education on a regular basis including the Junior Residential Education Course, Cornerstone, and the Student Life Seminar Series. Optional events will be offered throughout the year by the Title IX office including regular Do, Don't, & Donut events. 

Title IX information and opportunities will be shared via a newsletter twice a year and additional events will be posted to the Student Activities google calendar for each campus.

2023 Title IX Community Presentation

Information about Title IX shared with students in their beginning-of-year orientation for the 2023 - 2024 academic year can be found in the presentation linked here. *

Other related topics are covered in the Student Life Seminar Series including Healthy Relationships, Boundaries, and Consent, Drug and Alcohol Prevention, and Bystander Refresher (coming spring 2024.)

* Training was provided via online training modules on Know2Be to students as well as in person in the Fall of 2024. The training is linked here. This policy information is out of date as of January 2025. 

Helpful Flyers for Students and Employees

Information on mandatory reporting and the Title IX process can be found in the flyers linked here. These flyers are posted on each residence hall and have been sent to employees to put up in their offices.

Training & Education for Employees

Employees receive a brief overview of the Title IX Institutional Policy in All Employee Orientation. Additional educational opportunities are available throughout the year; including Time with IX, required sexual harassment education through Human Resources, and more. 

Title IX information and opportunities will be shared via a semester newsletter and events will be posted to the Student Activities google calendar for each campus.  Durham available here, Morganton available here

Employees interested in working with students to increase awareness of sexual assault and participate in prevention education can also reach out to the Title IX Office, to assist with planning programs, identifying needs on campus, and ending sexual misconduct on campus. 

* Training was provided via online training modules on Know2Be to students as well as in person in the Fall of 2024. The training is linked here. This policy information is out of date as of January 2025. 

9 Aug 2023 - Admin PD - Code, Title IX, & Counseling

Information for adults is linked here

Training for Employees in the Title IX Process

Training Resources for Employees in the Investigation and Adjudication Process for 2024-25 is found here. Training is provided through the SUNY Student Conduct Institute.

Human Resources Policies and Forms

It is the policy of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics that no employee may engage in speech or conduct that is defined as workplace harassment. Our school's workplace harassment policies and procedures can be read in full in the document linked below.

It is the policy of The University of North Carolina that the grievance process exists to allow for prompt, fair, and orderly resolution of disputes arising out of employment. The UNC System's SHRA Grievance Policy can be read in full in the first document linked below, and NCSSM's SHRA Grievance Initial Filing Form can be downloaded from the second link below.



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